With round-the-clock news spouting doom and gloom on a seemingly endless loop, it can be hard to remain positive in these times. But staying positive is exactly what will help us get through this coronavirus pandemic. This article from Forbes suggests 9 different things we can do to keep our spirits up and weather this storm:
- Limit your intake of news. Try sticking with a single news source and setting a limit on how long you’ll spend perusing the articles.
- Look to the past for resilience. There have been numerous unforeseen disasters and disruptors in our lifetimes, and recalling those can help you remember that “this too shall pass.”
- Watch a funny video. YouTube has thousands.
- Check in on your neighbors to make sure they’re OK (be sure to practice social distancing and maintain 6′ of separation).
- Support your local restaurants by purchasing gift cards and ordering take-out.
- Sends gifts to your loved ones in the mail to lift their spirits.
- Take advantage of the extra time you might have now. Learn something new or finally complete that project you’ve been meaning to finish. If you’re working from home now, what can you do with the time it normally took you to commute?
- Practice random acts of kindness by leaving gifts for your mail delivery person or thanking medical professionals, grocery workers, and others working on the front line.
- Always end your day on a positive note by expressing something you are grateful for.
If you find yourself dipping into a negativity rut, going through and practicing some of these suggestions can really help lift your spirits back up. Remember, we’re all in this together and together we’ll get through this!